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Injection Vitamine B12

Vitamin B12 injections

What is vitamin B12?

Vitamin B12, often referred to as the “energy vitamin”, is essential for our physiological well-being. Composed of a complex of substances containing cobalt, it is vital for functions such as DNA production, red blood cell formation and nervous system function. Vitamin B12 is naturally synthesized by bacteria and found mainly in animal products, being essential for protection against anemia and for maintaining body energy.

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The health benefits of vitamin B12

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Vitamin B12 is crucial for maintaining cellular vitality and supporting the nervous system. It plays a role in preventing fatigue, supports mental health, and is implicated in the prevention of diseases such as heart disease and certain types of cancer. Here’s an overview of the main benefits of vitamin B12, grouped into several key categories:

Blood health and prevention of anemia :
  • Red blood cell formation: Vitamin B12 is necessary for the production and maintenance of healthy red blood cells, preventing megaloblastic anemia.
  • Support for cardiovascular health: It helps reduce levels of homocysteine, an amino acid linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.
Support for neurological and mental functions:
  • Nerve function: Vitamin B12 is essential for maintaining the myelin sheath that protects nerves and optimizes nerve transmission.
  • Mental health: It plays a role in the synthesis of neurotransmitters that influence mood and brain function, helping to prevent depression and maintain cognitive health.
Chronic disease prevention and energy enhancement:
  • Cellular energy: Vitamin B12 is necessary for the metabolism of every cell in the body, helping to convert nutrients into energy.
  • Prevention of premature aging: It helps protect against oxidative stress and reduce the impact of free radicals on cells.

Recommended daily intake of vitamin B12 for adults : Complete guide

Daily glutathione intake can vary according to age, gender, state of health and level of environmental stress. Although there is no official recommendation for daily glutathione intake, it is recognized that levels should be high enough to maintain optimal body functions and protect against age-related diseases and environmental stress.

Table of suggested glutathione intakes

The following table provides an estimate of suggested glutathione intakes for different age groups and conditions. It is important to note that these values may vary according to individuals and specific situations:

Demographic group Suggested vitamin B12 intake (µg/day) Specific notes
Adults 2.4 µg Increase with pregnancy or aging
Pregnant women 2.6 µg Support for fetal development
Seniors Jusqu’à 3 µg Increased needs due to reduced absorption

How can you incorporate vitamin B12 into your daily routine?

Increasing vitamin B12 intake can be done in several ways, including:

Diet: Include vitamin B12-rich foods such as meats, fish, dairy products and eggs.
Supplements: Vitamin B12 is available as oral supplements, sublingual lozenges or sprays, for those who have difficulty with absorption or follow a vegan diet.
Vitamin B12 injection: For maximum bioavailability, especially in cases of severe deficiency or malabsorption, intramuscular injections of vitamin B12 offer direct absorption and are often prescribed to rapidly restore adequate levels.

Vitamin B12 deficiency: Signs, symptoms, causes and consequences

Vitamin B12 deficiency can manifest as severe fatigue, muscle weakness, neurological problems and anemia. Causes of deficiency can include an insufficient diet of animal products, gastrointestinal problems that affect absorption, and certain autoimmune medical conditions. Signs of vitamin B12 deficiency include:

  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Nervous problems such as numbness or tingling
  • Cognitive difficulties
  • Megaloblastic anemia
  • Heart palpitations
  • Impaired vision

B12 injection: Advantages over other forms of administration

Administering vitamin B12 by injection ensures maximum bioavailability, enabling this essential vitamin to reach the circulatory system and cells directly, without being degraded in the digestive system. This represents a significant advantage over oral supplements, whose efficacy can be limited by metabolic and digestive factors. However, it’s important to note that B12 injections can have side effects, although these are generally rare. The benefits of vitamin B12 include support for nerve function, red blood cell formation and energy production.

Chez Yuboost, nous mettons un point d’honneur à personnaliser le traitement de vitamine B12 selon vos conditions spécifiques pour minimiser tout risque potentiel, y compris des réactions rares telles que des troubles rénaux. Notre priorité est votre bien-être et votre santé, en vous offrant les avantages de cette vitamine essentielle comme une meilleure immunité, plus d’énergie, et une amélioration de la santé neurologique et hématologique. Profitez de ces bénéfices avec la tranquillité d’esprit que procure un service professionnel à domicile. Faites l’expérience de Yuboost pour une revitalisation en toute confiance.




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