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In what cases should vitamin injections be given?

Vitamins B and C are water-soluble vitamins assimilated by the body through food intake and through your digestive wall. They’re not produced by the body itself, yet are indispensable for it to function correctly. Insufficient dietary intake (vegetarian and vegan diets, for example), poor absorption of vitamins by the body (in seniors in particular), and some diseases and treatments may cause a deficiency. In these case, a supplement such as an intravenous vitamin infusion may be an option. Here, at YuBoost, we propose several types of IV therapy in line with your needs: hydration, energy, immunity, etc. The treatment may take place in your own home, in your workplace or in your hotel room, depending on where you feel most at ease. It’s carried out by one of our qualified nurses, specialized in home care and vitamin injections.

injection de vitamine

What are the signs and symptoms of vitamin deficiency?

The signs and symptoms of a vitamin deficiency vary depending on the vitamin in question. The most common symptoms include a severe form of fatigue, a feeling of muscle weakness as well as a drop in energy. Skin reactions may also occur, in the form of rashes, a swollen tongue or cracks around the mouth in the case of vitamin B deficiency. In the event of vitamin C deficiency, the symptoms are more likely to be significant hair loss, brittle nails, dry skin, blotchy skin or bleeding gums. Anaemia, characterized by insufficient iron in the blood, is also common in cases of deficiency; pale skin and dizziness may also alert you. Vitamin B deficiency may also cause digestive disorders (diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, abdominal cramps). Vitamin C deficiency, on the other hand, can lead to joint pain and a slower rate of healing. Irrespective of the type of vitamin deficiency, neurological (tingling and numbness in the limbs in particular) and psychological (depression, irritability) symptoms may occasionally occur.

What is the recommended vitamin intake?

Needs vary from one person to another, however, the following daily intake for vitamin C and for group B vitamins is recommended:

Type of vitamin B For women For men
B1 1,1 mg 1,2 mg
B2 1,1 mg 1,3 mg
B3 14 mg 16 mg
B5 5 mg
B6 1,3 mg
B8 30 mcg
B9 400 mcg
B12 2,4 mcg

It’s vital to stick to a reasonable daily intake of vitamins to avoid any risk of overdosing. An excess of vitamin B or vitamin C can cause various side effects, in particular gastrointestinal disorders and impaired sleep quality. Excess vitamin C intake can also cause urinary tract stones. A vitamin B overdose can cause various skin reactions, variations in blood pressure and even neurological and psychological disorders.

Which vitamin should be taken for which deficiency?

The type of symptoms experienced will help you identify whether you have a vitamin B, C or B12 deficiency. To remedy this situation, an intravenous supplement is a highly-effective solution. It ensures your body assimilates 100% of the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants injected directly into your bloodstream without travelling through your digestive wall. As such, you’ll notice a rapid improvement in your symptoms in just a few hours or days after the treatment.


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