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selenium injection

Selenium injection

What is selenium ?

Selenium is an essential trace element that plays a crucial role in many physiological processes. It is a key component of several antioxidant enzymes, helping to protect cells against oxidative stress and supporting the immune system.

  • Properties of Selenium
    Selenium is an essential trace element renowned for its antioxidant properties, which help protect cells against oxidative damage caused by free radicals. It also plays a crucial role in maintaining the immune system, regulating thyroid function, and preventing certain chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease and certain cancers.

What is Selenium Used For?

Selenium is needed for a variety of bodily functions, such as :

  • Cellular protection: As an antioxidant, it protects cells against oxidative damage.
  •  Immune system: Reinforces the body’s immune defenses.
  • Thyroid health: Helps the thyroid gland function properly.
  • Disease Prevention: Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and certain cancers.
  • Fertility: Plays a role in reproductive health.
selenium injection
thyroid health
selenium injection
selenium injection

Benefits of Selenium for Health

selenium injection
thyroid health
selenium injection
selenium injection

By strengthening the immune system, selenium helps prevent infections. In addition, selenium is essential for proper thyroid function, contributing to optimal metabolic regulation. It also reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease thanks to its anti-inflammatory effects. Finally, selenium plays a crucial role in improving fertility and reproductive health.

Strengthening the immune system :

Helps fight infections.

Maintaining thyroid health:

Helps produce thyroid hormones

Preventing cardiovascular disease :

Reduces the risk of heart disease.

Improved fertility

Selenium facilitates oocyte production, as it is involved in the development of the ovarian follicles that produce oocytes.

Recommended daily intake of selenium for adults : Complete guide

Selenium intake varies according to age, sex and health conditions. In general, the recommended daily intake for adults is 55 micrograms. However, requirements may increase in cases of deficiency or certain medical conditions.

Table of Recommended Selenium Intake

The following table provides an estimate of suggested glutathione intakes for different age groups and conditions. It is important to note that these values may vary according to individuals and specific situations:

Demographic Group Suggested Selenium Intake (µg/day) Specific Notes
Adults (Men) 55 µg Increase in case of deficiency or specific conditions
Adults (Women) 55 µg Increase during pregnancy and breastfeeding
Adolescents (14-18 years) 55 µg Important for growth and development
Children (9-13 years) 40 µg Essential for growth
Children (4-8 years) 30 µg Essential for growth
Children (1-3 years) 20 µg Essential for growth
Infants (0-6 months) 15 µg Intake via breastfeeding or infant formula
Elderly 55 µg Increased needs to combat inflammation and improve immunity
Pregnant Women 60 µg Increased intake required
Breastfeeding Women 70 µg Increased intake required to support the infant

How to integrate selenium into your daily routine?


To increase your selenium intake, you can:

  • Diet: Consume selenium-rich foods such as Brazil nuts, fish, meat, and whole grains.
  • Supplements: Take selenium supplements in the form of capsules or tablets.
  • Injections: Consider selenium injections under medical supervision for maximum effectiveness.

Selenium injection, although less common than other forms of supplementation, can be a valuable option for those requiring additional nutritional support. Always consult a healthcare professional before starting any new therapy.

Selenium Deficiency: Signs, Symptoms, Causes, and Consequences

Selenium deficiency can manifest itself in a variety of symptoms and health problems, due to its crucial role in maintaining immune, endocrine and antioxidant functions. Causes of selenium deficiency can include inadequate diet, absorption disorders, and certain medical conditions such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Here are the signs of selenium deficiency:

Signs of selenium deficiency include:

  • Weakened immune system
  • Growth and developmental problems
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Hair loss
  • Gastrointestinal disorders
  • Thyroid dysfunction
  • Healing problems
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Unintentional weight loss
  • Infertility
  • Disruption of the senses of taste and smell

Injection Selenium: Advantages compared to other forms of administration

The administration of selenium intravenously ensures maximum bioavailability, allowing this essential trace element to directly reach the circulatory system and cells without being degraded in the digestive system. This represents a significant advantage over oral supplements, whose effectiveness can be limited by metabolic and digestive factors.

Advantages of Selenium Injection:

  • Maximum Bioavailability: Selenium administered by intravenous injection is directly available to the body, allowing for rapid and effective absorption.
  • Avoids Digestive Degradation: Unlike oral supplements, injectable selenium is not subjected to digestive processes that can reduce its effectiveness.
  • Increased Effectiveness: Particularly beneficial for individuals suffering from gastrointestinal disorders or other conditions that hinder nutrient absorption.
  • Precise Dosage: Allows for exact control of the amount of selenium administered, thus avoiding the risks of underdosing or overdosing.
  • Rapid Treatment of Deficiencies: Particularly useful in situations where rapid intervention is needed to correct a severe selenium deficiency.

In summary, selenium injection offers an effective and precise method of administration, especially useful for individuals with increased needs or difficulties with oral absorption. Before starting any new therapy, it is essential to consult a healthcare professional to determine the most appropriate mode of administration based on your specific needs.




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