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What are the side effects of vitamin B12?

Vitamin B12 is known as a water-soluble vitamin, as it dissolves in water. It’s assimilated through food intake and is mainly found in products of animal origin. As such, you need to think of eating meat, fish, shellfish, eggs and dairy products (cheese, yoghurt, milk) to meet your body’s vitamin B12 needs. An intake of 2.4 micrograms a day is recommended for women and men, although this figure can change from one person to another. If you have a deficiency, you may opt for intravenous vitamin injections. Here, at YuBoost, our team of qualified nurses is specialized in vitamin injections and home care: we propose to administer the infusion directly in your own home, in your workplace or in your hotel room, to ensure the treatment is carried out comfortably, under the best possible conditions.

vitamine b12

Some side effects: allergic reaction, change in urine colour, insomnia

Some people state they have problems falling asleep after taking vitamin B12. To prevent any negative effect on sleep, it may be advisable not to take a vitamin B12 supplement at the end of the day. Allergic reactions may also occur, in the form of itching, urticaria or eczema. People with a history of allergy to cobalamin should avoid taking vitamin B12. Furthermore, some people may experience a reddish colour of urine: this is a natural phenomenon as vitamin B12 contains cobalt. This is why it’s nicknamed “the red vitamin”. There’s no real risk of overdosing on vitamin B12 as it’s efficiently eliminated by the urinary system. Nonetheless, in very high doses, it can cause an intense acne flare-up.  As such, it’s advisable to observe a reasonable daily intake.

In cases of deficiency: anaemia, digestive, neurological and psychological disorders

Anaemia, characterized by insufficient iron in the blood, occurs frequently in people with a vitamin B12 deficiency. This vitamin actually plays a key role in red blood cell formation. Anaemia can cause severe fatigue, muscle weakness, pale skin, hair loss and even dizziness. In the event of vitamin B12 deficiency, digestive disorders are common (nausea, diarrhoea, constipation). Neurological disorders, such as numbness of the limbs and tingling feelings have been reported, as well as psychological symptoms, generally seen through mood disorders.

Deficiency is common in vegetarians and vegans who eat little or no products of animal origin. Whenever this type of diet is followed, it may be useful to opt for vitamin B12-enriched products, such as rice- and soy-base drinks. Seniors are also more vulnerable as their body can’t assimilate vitamin B12 well, due to a reduction in gastric acid in the intestines. Liver pathologies can also limit the storage of vitamin B12 in the blood and cause a deficiency.

To supplement food intake, here at YuBoost, we propose a wide range of IV therapies that ensure vitamins are assimilated by the body rapidly and effectively. The vitamins are absorbed directly into the bloodstream and you can feel the benefits a few hours after the injection



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